
The things they don’t tell you about solo travel

Table of content :

  1. Is it secure for women?
  2. Money wasting
  3. Fear of being selfish
  4. Family liability
  5. Less confidence
  6. Overthinking about career
  7. Lacking’s of knowledge about human emotion 
  8. Making planning is a big badger
  9. It is bromide for all
  10.  Is it solitary?
  11. Dine alone problems
  12. Fear about to lose
  13. Fear of being homesick
  14. Fear of being out of money
  15. Mental health problems
  16. Physical limitation
  17. Doing everything alone
  18. Unwanted attention
  19. Language barrier
  20. Awkward evening
  21. There is no one to share
  22. No one alert you to keep safe bags
  23.  Blending yourself with locals is not that easy

23 common thoughts for the first female Solo travel

We all have the potential to go out for traveling alone and explore the world as a female solo traveler. But most of us cannot explore our potential because of some common unusual thoughts. As a female, I travel around the world and face some problems related to thoughts, which are the reason for writing this article.

 If you are in hurry, then just scan the main point and avoid our introductory part. If your question is related to our main point, then read the article. It will help you.

In this article we discuss the following fact:

Is female solo traveling being possible?

Is it secure for a woman?

How can you get motivated while traveling alone?

Is it money-wasting?

How can you deal with family responsibilities?

How can you get rid of being less confident?

How can you deal with overthinking?

How can you deal with your emotions?

How can you deal with your boringness while traveling alone?

How can you make plans for your solo tour?

Is traveling alone as a girl solitary?

How can you deal with dining alone problems?

If you feel that, you are lost then how can you face this problem?

Fear of being out of money

Fear of being homesick

Mental health problems

Physical limitation

Unwanted attention

How can you deal with your language barrier/loneliness/ awkward evening/?

Common human psychology is getting fear of new things. Especially when it will first time. We all have a phobia of overthinking before starting anything. Which we won’t like to share with others. When you start thinking, you might have to face some of your inner fear. It is important to start somewhere. It helps get rid of fear. Believe yourself at first. Some good things will happen.

Some fear or overthinking will come before starting solo travel as a female. such as

  • Lacking confidence
  • Fear of being alone
  • Fear of new things
  • Fear about how to start, etc.

Is it secure for women?

When planning to travel alone, the first question is safety issues. Especially when the lady travel alone. They think, is it safe for us as a lady? Don’t think everything will happen. Everywhere is at risk.

“No risk, No gain.”

So, take a risk and gain something best. But you must maintain all safety issues. By maintaining, safety rules, we can avoid risk most of the time.

Money wasting

2nd question is money wasting. Most females think This is completely money wasting. But think a different way. You have one life. That means one chance to fulfill your wish. Whatever we do throughout our lives. We should think for ourselves. You will feel regret when life will over. So you should try whatever want before it will over. Don’t think it’s money-wasting. Think, you are doing object for yourself.

Fear of being selfish

Are you thinking to get selfish by thinking of traveling alone? No, you are not! In such a situation, if you are thinking of going on a trip alone. Then you are not selfish, it is not being selfish for oneself all in one’s life.

Family liability

We all have family responsibilities. We carry out that responsibility throughout our lives. So, give time for yourself once or twice. This is not mean denying family responsibilities. It is a kind of fear if others think something. You must overcome this fear.

Less confidence

Confidence is a huge issue. Because of this confidence, you can see yourself in a winning position or Losing position. So, we all must increase our confidence. The rate of confidence increases by doing something through traveling. So, give up that fear and make your self-confidence.

Overthinking about career

No need to worry too much about your career. Every sector has an annual vacation. That you can use to travel and make time for yourself. Take work pressure after refreshing your mind.

Lacking knowledge about human emotion

Many of us have no idea about human emotion. Human psychology says that a phobia works in us before something starts. But once it starts, then that fear will go.

Making planning is a big badger

This is the problem if you are not skilled at planning as a lady. Then we can find the solution for you:

  • Do research
  • take some ideas from an expert.
  • Then make a proper plan.
  • execute all plans-wise.

It is bromide for all

All people think traveling alone is bromide, boringness. You won’t get a chance to get bored. you need time to explore new people, new cultures, new places, etc. You will not find it boring if you love traveling. Even then, if you are afraid in your mind, you can keep a book and headphones with you.

Is it solitary?

It’s never will solitary. If you love to travel, then you won’t have time to stay alone. you will explore places all time. so, it won’t ever be solitary.

Dine alone problems

Eating alone is quite a weird feeling only the first time. After that, it will normal. Since you have found time for yourself, you will find wonder in doing everything alone. Enjoy doing everything alone. If you feel it’s wired, then wired. If you feel it’s okay, then it’s okay.

Fear of lost

It is the most common and usual fear. if you face this problem simply follow our suggestion:

  • Stay connected all time.
  • Learn how to read Google Maps
  • Keep always internet balance.
  • Ask local people for help (you can ask for help from the local security)

But in today’s age of information technology, if you want also, you can’t get lost. Don’t get fear.

Fear of being homesick

Are you afraid of thinking that your mind becomes restless for your home? Don’t worry. You are traveling only a few days, not your whole life. You can manage those few days to fulfill your desire.

Fear of being out of money

It’s genuine fear. What if all the money runs out during the trip! You have to make a proper budget. Then there is no possibility of running out of money.

Mental health problems

Mental health is most important like physical health. give priority and focus on it. If you feel depressed for any reason, the only way to overcome is by traveling. Different weather and different cultures will give rest to your soul.

Physical limitation

We all have some physical strength limitations. We all should know our limits. We should fix the destination with our ability-wise.

Doing everything alone

Doing everything alone is quite difficult if you don’t have the habit to do it ever. But possible. only you have to try it once. You have to do all the travel process by yourself. And all time you have to stay alert because there is no one to alert you. That’s all.

Unwanted attention

No traveler, especially a female traveler won’t share this. As a girl sometimes you have to face this unwanted attention. you have to act smart. Handle all. Try to avoid them. If the problems are heavier then communicate with authority.

Language barrier

A place to travel all over the world. So, there must have language problems. You can keep a travel dictionary. And learn 20-30 most Common native sentences. Then you won’t face any problems.

Awkward evening

The evening can awkward for you because there is no one. But you can keep a book with you. It will give you the best. On your smartphone, you may view a movie.

There is no one to share

We like to tell stories so we get annoyed when we can’t find people to tell stories. But think it’s only for a few days. Or else call your close friends or family and talk with them.

No one alert you to keep safe bags

Though there is no one to alert you, you have to stay sincere all time. Keep safe all your bags and keep safe yourself.

Blending yourself with locals is not that easy

You need to blend as much as spend time. No need to blend yourself 100%. blend as much time as you must stay there.

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